Enjoy the feeling of bonding with your dog in our Self Pet Wash Suite!
Our fantastic hydraulic stainless sinks have a built in dog entry door that lowers to the floor allowing your dog an easy step into our tub!
After you latch the door and securely anchor your dog to the tub with the grooming leash we provide, a simple press of the foot pedal allows you to raise the sink to a level at which you are comfortable washing your dog. You will be provided with a luxurious shampoo, conditioner, thick towel and a grooming jacket for yourself to keep you comfortably dry! Each sink is equipped with a multi option massaging shower head for your dog’s comfort level. The high velocity dryers provide a quick blow dry to blow out that undercoat and complete your dog’s spiff up! Speciality shampoo’s, brushes, bathing mitt’s and spray’s are all available for purchase by our exclusive retail store on entry to our awesome Self Pet Wash Suite. This Is “Where every day, is your dog’s day!”
20$ (plus tax) for 30 minutes